
1. To provide a support structure for cooperation between existing doctoral programs
2. To agree on a set of minimum objectives for a doctoral program in Translation
Studies and a set of competencies to be acquired by students in those programs
3. To build up a database of online course materials, including copyright-cleared
readings, video lectures, presentation slides and model syllabi
4. To compile a registry of supervisors who are prepared to assist in supervision or
co-supervision in particular areas
5. To assist in locating training partners in industry, NGOs, and governmental
6. To provide training for research supervisors in the field of Translation Studies
7. To provide a reference framework for joint doctorates, particularly those that
involve different countries
8. To assist in making contacts to facilitate student mobility
9. To organize an annual graduate conference for students in member programs
10. To organize an annual meeting of representatives of member programs
11. To attract external funding for the activities of the network